Convert Forms allows you to override any template you desire and customize it to fit the look of your site.
How to override the form layout
You can customize the form appearing on your Forms by following the steps below:
- Navigate to /administrator/components/com_convertforms/layouts/
- Copy the file named form.php
- Go to /templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/html/layouts/com_convertforms/
- Note: You must create the com_convertforms folder if it does not exist in your layouts folder.
- Paste the file you just copied.
- Customize it and see your changes live on your site.
How to override a field layout
Apart from customizing the form layout, you can also customize how the fields appear in your form. To do so please follow the steps listed below:
- Navigate to /administrator/components/com_convertforms/layouts/fields/
- Copy the field you want to edit (i.e. submit.php)
- Go to /templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/html/layouts/com_convertforms/fields/
- Note: You must create the com_convertforms and fields folder if it does not exist in your layouts folder.
- Paste the file you just copied.
- Customize it and see your changes live on your site.