How to Convert Visitors into Subscribers & Customers Using a Simple Component for Joomla

If you have a great website (or at least you believe so) and a host of awesome products or services but your website doesn't return a significant number of visitors-turned-buyers to you every month, it’s probably because you are not using effective traffic conversion tools and strategies. Have you ever mulled over the low conversion rate of your website vis-à-vis the huge amount of traffic that it gets every day?
Why it is so that web surfers visit your site with great expectations but ultimately buy nothing at all? What’s so wrong with your website? Low conversion mostly results from low engagement. A newly launched Joomla Component, Responsive Scroll Triggered Box, promises to boost traffic conversion. Here’s a sneak peek at the newly launched plug-in for Joomla.
The key is to get attention
Responsive Scroll Triggered Box is a highly effective magnetizing component that can increase visitor engagement on your Joomla based website. You can configure each pop-up to measure and analyze certain visitor actions such as reaching the end of your webpage, percentage of scrolling or blog commenting and strategically place call-to-actions.
The component also comes with a slide-in option that is now being used by some of the top websites. All in all, it’s a powerful plug-in that can deliver you actionable data which you can use for improving your site’s design, content etc.
9 cool features of the Responsive Scroll Triggered Box
Responsive Scroll Triggered Box is a feature-rich Joomla component that offers a bevy of customization options and a series of benefits to the developers. Nine of the most striking features of the plug-in are:
- Compatibility with mobiles and tablets (responsive)
- Pop-up for any existing or newly created module
- Assigning to selected users/user groups enabled (new feature)
- Automatically triggers with each PageLoad
- The highly popular slide-in effect
- Nine different trigger positions
- Writing your own code in HTML is possible
- You can show or hide the box using simple JavaScript
- Unlimited CSS customization enabled
Apart from the abovementioned, "Reponsive Scroll Triggered Box" has also got the bragging rights for several unique features that are all aimed at increasing web visitor engagement. For example, you can analyze 5 different types of actions/events on your website that include percentage of user scrolling, element scrolling, page load time, on-click, and on-demand trigger events.
How to increase engagement?
Once you are done with integrating the component to your Joomla website, you can increase visitor engagement in a number of ways. For example, you can display the latest blogs, trigger the Facebook "like" widget (the Facebook box) as a pop-up, slide up your company’s registration or enquiry form (a proven effective tool for gathering leads) and display your website banners categorically to serve the purpose.