Welcome Engage Box

Hello Jooomlers!
Today, we are excited to announce the rebranding of your, already well-known, Responsive Scroll Triggered Box to (*drumroll please!*) Engage Box!
Where did everything start
Since September 2014 Responsive Scroll Triggered Box has provided Joomla administrators with constantly evolving tools and metrics to help them increase their conversion rate. It started as a basic scroll triggered popup to guide visitors to certain parts of each Joomla website until it came to be the Swiss Army knife of visitor leading, call-to-action showing, conversion increasing and more, for hundreds of Joomla websites around the world!
Why we rebranded it
By now you can already guess that the reason we chose to rebrand our flagship product is because It has outgrown its original purpose and it would just be underestimating to keep its prior name. {tweetme theme=cl_blue|mode=link}Coming up to two years of constant growth it has underwent over 30 new feature-packed updates{/tweetme}. It is definitely not only a scroll box anymore! To prove that, you can already choose 8 different trigger points: onPageReady, onPageLoad, onPageLeave, onClick, onHover, onLocationHash and finally onDemand.
What comes next
This change signifies a new era of exciting new features for our flagship extension. Engage Box will, soon enough, be able to provide tools which will boost your conversion rate to unprecedented levels. To mention only a few,
- Advanced Visitor Tracking
- Analytics
- Form Builder
- A/B Split Tests
- Box Library
- Integrations with Email Providers
- More Publishing Assignments
Who we owe everything to
Engage Box is a living and growing product and that’s all thanks to you! Without you there wouldn’t be 10.000+ downloads, 30+ releases and 115 reviews on JED so far!
For that, we would like to extend our enormous gratitude to you, our subscribers, by handing out a 30% discount*Not applicable for lifetime subscriptions . To use the discount feel free to type-in the coupon code ENGAGENOW and keep being, or start being, one of our wonderful subscribers!
Thank you all!