Why and How Tweetable Quotes can help your Joomla site get more Twitter Shares

Sotiris Katsaniotis
Sotiris Katsaniotis
Published in Blog
Oct 5 2016
4 min read
Last updated may 14 2024
Why and How Tweetable Quotes can help your Joomla site get more Twitter Shares

There's an increasing problem with content

I can guess that you are already one of the people who gets bombarded every day by all kinds of content. Newspapers, Newsletters, Blogs, Ads etc. I can also guess that out of all this content there's a good chance that you might remember a quote or two from the odd post that caught your attention. So, you went through tons of content and you end up with some vague quotes or gists which you'll probably end up forgetting by the end of the day. That's a problem for you as a content writer and as a reader!

It's a problem for you as a reader because you are wasting precious time reading content which wasn't to your liking after all and it's a problem for you as a content writer because you are struggling to keep a reader's attention for more than a minute without boring them out of the page.

The solution in the form of quotes

The solution to this problem is by writing content which interests the reader in a way that he wants to be a part of it. He wants to share to the world that this content agrees with his beliefs so much that it characterizes him and he urges others to read it too. The best way to communicate this urge is ... a quote! A tweetable quote!

A quote you say?

So, what is a quote exactly in the context of an article? A quote is a phrase which in only a few words, merely a sentence or two, encapsulates the goal of the article it is in. It is distinct, easily memorable, catchy and, most of the time, in service of the brand the article is for. {tweetme mode=link|hashtags=Joomla,TweetMe|theme=cl_blue|via=}A quote has to be clear, concise and really easy to communicate with other people.{/tweetme}

A quote is what, most of the time, gets a piece of content to be "viral" via the careful use of social media. Twitter, of course, is the most suitable means of communication when it comes to spreading the news about your shiny new content and the quote(s) it has.

What's the recipe for a viral quote?

The recipe for creating a tweetable and, eventually or hopefully, retweetable quote is to carefully select #hashtags to accompany it. You can be liberal with choosing a couple of hashtags as long as they are in use already and preferably trending. Of course none of that matters if your quote is boring, does it? Do you know what's boring? Repetition! {tweetme mode=link|hashtags=Joomla,TweetMe|theme=cl_blue|via=}A successful quote is original and inspires confidence for you and your content!{/tweetme}

Now that you know what a quote is and what you should do with it, you'd expect us to tell you how to do what you're supposed to do. Well rest easy because it's simple! You only need two things! A nice Joomla website and our TweetMe extension. TweetMe creates fashionable, attractive and shareable quotes only 2 clicks away from spreading like wildfire on Twitter!

{tweetme mode=box|hashtags=Joomla,TweetMe|theme=t2_blue|via=}TweetMe creates fashionable, attractive and shareable quotes!{/tweetme}


Tweetable quotes help your content to stand out if they are worthy of sharing. If indeed they are, then on top of that they should be really easy to tweet. The less cumbersome the process, the bigger the chance your readers will tweet them. Having all that in mind, your Joomla site will get more Twitter Shares than ever before.