What’s new
We’re constantly making Advanced Custom Fields better. Here are some of the of notable new features and improvements that we’ve made to Advanced Custom Fields since it’s first launched.
- Improves CSRF token handling in the File Upload Field.
- "google.maps.Marker is deprecated" notice in Map custom field.
- ACF Articles Automatic Discovery not enabled by default on new articles when Default Value is set.
- Incorrect error message when the uploaded file does not exist in the File Upload Field.
- Updated ACF File Upload to use the file name as the title when the title is missing.
- Easier selection of countries in Country custom field for both single and multiple values.
- Auto responsiveness to Video custom field when no height is set.
- Inaccurate marker address may be displayed in Map custom field.
- File Upload Field appearing in DPCalendar Filters.
- Replaced full URLs with relative URLs in YooTheme Pro for Gallery & File Upload Fields.
- Support for Krita (.kra and .krz) files in File Upload Field.
- "File Size" option in File Upload Field for YooTheme Integration.
- Support for YouTube Shorts in Video Field.
- Shortcode support in Map Field marker descriptions.
- Articles field not displaying the hint when Maximum Articles is set to 1.
- Gallery Field issue with Slideshow provider when Lightbox is enabled and a module is selected.
- Gravatar Field "ACFGravatarValidator not found" error on save.
- Video Field warning during installation process.
- Removed double slash from Gallery Image URLs in YooTheme Integration.
- Removed extra image element overlaying preview in Gallery Field editor.
- AI (GPT-4o mini) ALT text generation in Gallery Field.
- Support for duplicating/deleting Gallery Field files when articles are copied or trashed.
- Support for duplicating/deleting File Upload files when articles are copied or trashed.
- Smart Tags support in Map marker titles and descriptions.
- Support for Smile Pack Smart Tags in Gravatar Field input.
- Gallery Field image display issue with YooTheme Pro in subfolder sites
- Security bypass in Gallery Field.
- Security bypass in File Upload Field.
- Removed unneeded default value from ACF Articles field.
- SoundCloud Field support in YooTheme, allowing access to the SoundCloud ID.
- Backend notices appearing in 3rd-party plugin AJAX requests (Regular Labs Conditions).
- “Invalid URL: URL schema is missing” error in Video Field when used with other ACF Video Fields.
- Gallery Field and File Upload Field values would reset in YooTheme Pages Dynamic Content.
- Video Field not displaying correctly self-hosted MOV videos.
- Articles field not displaying placeholder when “Maximum Articles” is set to 1.
- Video Field not saving self-hosted videos with relative URLs.
- Country Field issue with YooTheme Pro when a single country is selected and Multiple Country Selection is enabled.
- File Upload and Gallery Fields handling non-Latin characters.
- Security Improved sanitization and escaping of custom field values.
- HTML support in Map Field marker titles and descriptions.
- Title and description access in YooTheme for File Upload when “Files Limit” is set to 1.
- Map Field JS error on Gantry template when using OpenStreetMap provider.
- Articles field PHP error with order setting.
- FAQ Field editors not appearing when using the JCE editor.
- Removed resizing for GIF images in File Upload’s “Resize Images” option.
- Extra spacing in FAQ content answers.
- Gallery Field preventing article save from the front-end.
- Gallery Field preventing item deletion of non-existent images.
- Gallery Field where WebP images didn't retain format.
- File Upload Field preventing article save from the front-end.
- FAQ Field where HTML tags were mistakenly stripped out.
- Improved FAQ Field content editing with a Rich Text Editor.
- Improved Video Field with the missing Widget Layout option.
- Joomla 5 native support; no longer requires the Backward Compatibility plugin.
- Smart Tag {field.item_author_id} to Gallery and File Upload Fields.
- [Telephone] alt tags to country flags for improved accessibility.
- [Telephone] Input could incorrectly appear as required.
- [Address Autocomplete] The autocomplete setting is ignored when it is disabled.
- [File Upload] When Custom Layout is used don't wrap it in a div.
- [File Upload] invalid return value for {acf.field.id}.
- PHP error when editing a User Profile in Joomla 3.
- Loads all 3rd-party assets (CSS/JS) locally.
- [Telephone] Improved YooTheme Pro Dynamic Content support.
- [Address Autocomplete] Renames "Address Autocomplete" toggle to "Enable Autocomplete"
- Implements the JFilters integration.
- Telephone: Implements the Country Code Selector.
- Display Conditions are not taken into account in the User Profile menu type.
- Module Field: Mention module's ID next to the module title in the dropdown selection.
- Gallery Field: Upload gallery items without saving the article/user/contact first.
- [Gallery] Image description (alt) option missing from YooTheme Pro Dynamic Content.
- [URL] Default Link Text and Link Text options now support translation strings.
- Improves ACF Gallery, File Upload, and Map when used in a Subform field and YooTheme Dynamic Content.
- [Gallery] Implements Tags Filtering.
- [Gallery] {field.item_catid} and {field.item_catalias} Smart Tags.
- [Gallery] the "Regenerate Images" button not working in Joomla 5.
- [File Upload] a PHP Warning in the YooTheme integration.
- [Gallery] Made the Original Image Resize Height optional in the Slideshow layout.
- [File Upload] Saving a description wouldn't respect new lines.
- [File Upload] Improves Subform support in some edge cases.
- [Gallery] Apply selected ordering when used in YooTheme Pro Dynamic Content.
- [Gallery] Don't require Multiple Item Sources when used in YooTheme Dynamic Content, and Limit Files is set to 1.
- [Map] Validation issue when the field was set as required.
- [Country] Improves YooTheme support. Return either country name or code based on Return Value set.
- [Address] Improves editor not allowing to select location under certain circumstances.
- Improves YooTheme support when Falang is used.
- [Articles] Implements the Automatic Discovery option.
- [Gallery] support for the thumbnail, full image, source image, and captions on YooTheme Pro.
- [Address] support for all address properties on YooTheme Pro.
- Chained Fields, FAQ and Map Field are now compatible with Subform and YooTheme Pro.
- [Upload] support for the file URL, title, description, and subform support on YooTheme Pro.
- [URL] support for the label, URL, target, and subforms upport on YooTheme Pro.
- [Galery] Couldn't regenerate images when editing a user profile page.
- [Address] Missing city property in YooTheme Pro.
- [Timepicker] PHP deprecation warnings.
- [Map] Improved the Map Editor UI.
- [Gallery] support for Image Watermarking.
- [File Upload] support for Image Resizing.
- [Map] Limit the map markers using the Maximum Markers setting.
- [Gallery] The uploaded images could be larger in size than original file size.
- [Gallery] Resize Method other than "crop" wasn't taken into consideration.
- [Gallery] Couldn't upload image from Joomla 4 Media Manager when used in Subform field.
- [Articles] Ordering wasn't taken into consideration on the front-end.
- Undefined property: Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$type when viewing a contact.
- Compatibility issue with Joomla 5.
- Removes deprecated fields Google Maps, OpenStreetMap and Bing Maps in favor of ACF Map.
- Removes deprecated fields YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Facebook Video and HTML5Video in favor of ACF Video.
- [Gallery] Implements the Slideshow style.
- [Articles] "Fatal error: Allowed memory size of X bytes exhausted" in some circumstances.
- [Gallery] Improves the thumbnails generation on Justified layout.
- [Video] Self-hosted video provider settings: Autoplay, Controls, Loop, and Mute are now available in the Free version.
- [Address Autocomplete] would not display the address map correctly.
- Undefined property: Joomla\CMS\Object\CMSObject::$type when viewing a contact.
- ACF Options > Widget Layout wouldn't display the field name correctly.
- Implements the Video Field allowing you to create YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Facebook, or even self-hosted videos.
- Fix: [Articles] Cannot access offset of type string on string in PHP 8.
- Fix: [PHP] Would not execute the PHP code.
- Fix: [Map] Would not work correctly with YooTheme Pro Dynamic Content.
- [Countdown] Improves the previewer in field settings.
- Implements "ACF - Options" tab for Custom CSS and Custom Layout Overrides settings on custom fields.
- [Gallery] Fixes the Justified layout not rendering the images under certain circumstances.
- PHP 8.1 deprecation notices.
- Updates translations
- Implements the Map Field allowing you to create OpenStreetMap, Google Maps and Bing Maps with unlimited markers.
- [PHP] YooTheme Pro Dynamic Content support.
- [FAQ] Icon would become smaller in size when resizing the window.
- [File Upload] + [Gallery] Would not save fields as expected on some systems.
- [File Upload] + [Gallery] Couldn't use with YooTheme Pro Dynamic Content > Multiple Items Sources if Files Limit wasn't set to 0.
Innovative custom fields for the new Joomla! era
Enhance Joomla built-in functionality with a huge collection of custom fields and display additional information to articles and pages easily.