ACF File Upload - Add a File Upload Field in Joomla

Are you seeking a solution to effortlessly handle file uploads and image resizing within your Joomla site? Would you like to be able to upload a PDF or a ZIP file directly to the article's editing page and display the respective download link on the front end? Or maybe give your users the ability to upload a profile photo while registering for a new account and resize it automatically?

Advanced Custom Fields extension offers a drag & drop multiple file upload field that can be used with any component that supports the Joomla! Fields. Below is an example of a file upload field added to the article editing page.

ACF File Upload Uploading Files




To use the File Upload field, there are a few requirements that must be met, listed below:

  • Ensure you are using Advanced Custom Fields Pro. You can easily upgrade to Pro if you're currently in the Free version
  • Ensure you have the fileinfo PHP extension installed on your server (it should be installed by default).
  • Ensure you have the gd PHP extension installed on your server, as it's required for the resizing functionality.

    Setting up File Upload Field

    To start using the File Upload Field, create a new custom field and select ACF - File Upload.

    Create ACF - File Upload Joomla Custom Field

    Once you have selected the ACF - File Upload Field, you will be presented with all available options to configure the custom field.

    File Upload

    The File Upload Settings section allows you to configure how the file uploader functions; let's see all available settings:

    Upload Folder

    Set the path where the uploaded files will be stored. The path must be relative to the root of your webspace (i.e. media/acfupload). Ensure the path entered is writable; otherwise, the file upload will fail. Supports Smart Tags.

    This field also supports Smart Tags, which allows you to define a dynamic approach to storing the uploaded files, such as using dates, current item (article, contact, user, etc...) information, and more! You can read more here: Using Smart Tags in Tassos Extensions

    Below is a list of Smart Tags specifically created for the ACF - File Upload custom field.

    File Smart Tags

    • {acf.file.basename}: file.png
    • {acf.file.extension}: png
    • {acf.file.filename}: file
    • {acf.file.index}: The position of the uploaded file within the uploaded files, i.e. 5
    • {}: The total uploaded files, i.e. 10

    Field Smart Tags

    • {}: The custom field ID, i.e. 20

    Item Smart Tags

    • {}: The item ID in which the custom field is manipulated. Can be the Article ID, User ID, Contact ID, etc...
    • {acf.item.alias}: The item alias.
    • {acf.item.author_id}: The item author ID.
    • {acf.item.cat_id}: The item category ID.
    • {acf.item.cat_alias}: The item category alias.

    Files Limit

    Set the total number of files the user is allowed to upload. Enter 0 for no limit.

    File Size Limit

    Set the maximum allowable size for each uploaded file in megabytes. Enter 0 for no limit.

    Allowed File Types

    Enter a comma-separated list of allowed file types. Example: .jpg, .gif, .png, .pdf. Keep in mind that this is not foolproof and can be tricked.

    Randomize File Types

    Enable to add a random prefix to the beginning of each uploaded file name. This helps to ensure existing files with the same name never get replaced.

    Allow Unsafe Files

    Allow the upload of unsafe files. A file is considered unsafe when:

    • There's a null byte in the file name.
    • The file's extension is forbidden, for example, .php, inc, py, java, etc.
    • There's a (<?php) php tag in the file content.
    • There's a (<?) short tag in the file content.
    • There's a forbidden extension anywhere in the content.

    Remember that this option also keeps you safe from unsafe files included in a compressed file (zip, rar, tar, etc.).

    Enable to display download links for each uploaded file in the file uploader.

    When this option is enabled, when you hover over each uploaded file, you will be presented with two new actions: one that opens the uploaded file in a new tab and automatically downloads the file to your device.

    Resize Images

    In this section, you can define how your images will be resized upon uploading them on the ACF - File Upload field.

    Resize Images

    Enabling this allows you to resize the uploaded images to specific dimensions.

    Supported images are jpg, jpeg, png, gif, and webp.

    Only new images will be resized; existing images are left as-is.

    No additional images are created when the image is resized. The image that is uploaded is the one that's resized.

    Helpful Resizing Scenarios:

    Resize by width:

    To resize uploaded images by width and keep the aspect ratio, set only width and leave height blank.

    Resize by height:

    To resize uploaded images by height and keep the aspect ratio, set only a height and leave the width blank.

    Resize by width & height:

    To resize uploaded images to a specific width and height and crop the image to these dimensions, set both a width and height.

    Front-end Display

    Configure how your uploaded files will appear on your site.


    Select the layout that will be used to display each uploaded file in the front end. The available options are Link, Image, and Custom Layout, where you can set your HTML layout.

    Define the text that will be used in the link. (Available in the Link layout). This option also supports Smart Tags. You can read more here: Using Smart Tags in Tassos Extensions

    You can also use the ACF File Upload specific Smart Tags. You can read more here.

    Furthermore, some extra Smart Tags available when using the Link Text option are:

    • {acf.file.title}: The custom title of the uploaded file.
    • {acf.file.description}: The custom description of the uploaded file.

    Force Download

    Select whether to download the file instead of navigating to the link. (Available in the Link layout).

    Custom Layout

    Define the custom layout that will be used. (Available in the Custom layout). This option also supports Smart Tags. You can read more here: Using Smart Tags in Tassos Extensions

    You can also use the ACF File Upload specific Smart Tags. You can read more here.

    Furthermore, some extra Smart Tags available when using the Custom Layout option are:

    • {acf.file.path}: The relative path to the uploaded file.
    • {acf.file.url}: The URL to the uploaded file.
    • {acf.file.size}: The size of the uploaded file, in a human-readable format, i.e., 5KB, 15MB, etc...
    • {acf.file.title}: The custom title of the uploaded file.
    • {acf.file.description}: The custom description of the uploaded file.

    Uploading Files

    Once your ACF - File Upload custom field is configured, it's time to upload files. In this section, we will explain how the file uploader works.

    The uploader, by default will look like this:

    ACF File Upload Default State

    You can upload files using two different ways:

    • Drag and drop files from your computer into the uploader
    • Click on the uploader and select the files you'd like to upload.

    You may upload multiple files simultaneously; however, remember that the total file limit limits this.

    After you have uploaded a few files, you should see a list of all uploaded files.

    ACF File Upload - Uploaded Files

    To ensure the uploaded files are uploaded correctly, the bullet on the left side of the uploaded file must be green. However, if the bullet is red, the file couldn't be uploaded.

    ACF File Upload - Invalid State

    Here are some reasons this may occur:

    • The uploaded file is larger than the maximum allowed file size.
    • The uploaded file is not allowed based on the allowed file types.
    • You have reached the maximum allowed file limit.

    Set custom titles and descriptions for your files

    After a file has been uploaded, you can customize its title and define a custom description, which you can use in your Link or Custom Layout. You can read more on layouts here.

    Hover over an uploaded file and you will be presented with a few actions on the right-hand side. We're interested in the "Pencil" icon, which allows us to define a custom title and description.

    ACF File Upload - Edit Trigger

    Once you hover over the uploaded file that you'd like to set a custom title and description, click on the pencil icon, and the edit modal will appear, allowing you to define these custom values.

    ACF File Upload - Edit Modal

    Once you set a custom title and description, press Save, and the custom values will be saved alongside the uploaded file.

    View a file

    To view a file directly from the uploader, hover over an uploaded file and click on the "Link" icon. For this icon to appear, it requires the Show Downloads Links setting to be enabled from within the custom field settings.

    ACF File Upload - View File

    Clicking the icon, will automatically open a new tab and display the uploaded file.

    Download a file

    Hover over an uploaded file and locate the "Download" icon to download a file. For this icon to appear, it requires the Show Downloads Links setting to be enabled from within the custom field settings.

    ACF File Upload - Download File

    Once you click this icon, it will automatically download the file to your device.

    Delete a file

    To delete a file, hover over the uploaded file and locate the "Trash" icon.

    ACF File Upload - Delete File

    Clicking it will trigger a confirmation message, notifying you that you are about to delete the uploaded file.

    Conditional Logic

    Using Conditional logic, you can fine-tune when your custom field appears on your site, by specifying some criteria, such as when the user is viewing your site from a mobile device, whether they are viewing a specific page if Google referred them, and more! The possibilities are endless.

    When editing a custom field, you can configure when your custom field will appear by going into the Display Conditions tab.

    Advanced Custom Fields Display Conditions

    Once on the Display Conditions tab, you can configure when your custom field appears. Leaving the condition logic empty, tells Advanced Custom Fields to display the custom field site-wide.

    Use Cases

    The File Upload Field can be used with any component that supports the Joomla! Fields such as the Articles (com_content), User (com_user), and the Contact (com_contact) component. Now that we've seen how to create an ACF - File Upload custom field, let's see a few use cases.

    How to add a File Upload Field to Joomla! Articles

    In this use case, we have an example where content authors can upload a PDF file to the article's editing page in the backend, and website visitors can see a download link in the front end.

    Step 1: Create a new File Upload Field

    Go to Content -> Fields, click New to create a new field. From the Type dropdown, select the ACF - File Upload option.

    Joomla File Upload Custom Field

    Click to save the field to return to the same page where, now, you can see two new setting groups.

    Step 2: Set the File Upload rules

    In the first group, called File Upload Settings, we can set rules and restrictions on the files that are allowed to be uploaded by our field. In our case, we want to limit the user to upload one PDF file up to 2 MB.

    Joomla File Upload Custom Field

    • Set an upload folder to the respective option.
    • Set Files Limit to 1
    • Set File Size Limit to 2 MB
    • Set Allowed Files Types to .pdf

    Step 3: Set how the uploaded file will be displayed in the front end

    In the second group, Front-end Display, we can define how the uploaded files will be displayed on the front end. In our case, we want to display a downloadable link to the uploaded PDF file. To do so, follow the steps below:

    Joomla File Upload Custom Field

    • Set Layout to Link
    • Set Link Text to Download Product Brochure or anything similar.
    • Enable Force Download. This option forces the browser to download the file on the current window, instead of navigating to it on a new tab.

    Save the field and proceed to the next step.

    Step 4: Upload a PDF file in your Joomla! article

    Now, that we have our file upload field properly configured, we should be able to see it on the article's editing page in the back end.

    Joomla File Upload Custom Field

    In case the field is displayed disabled in the form and you're not allowed to upload files, you probably don't have the right permissions to edit the content of the field. To fix it, you must set the Edit Custom Field Value option to Allowed in the Permissions tab in the Field settings as well as in the Content component configuration page.

    joomla custom field edit permissions

    The last step is to upload a PDF file and save the article. Finally, depending on your Joomla! template, you should be able to see a similar download link as shown in the picture below.

    Joomla File Upload Custom Field

    How to Add a File Upload Field to Joomla! Registration Form

    There are cases where you'd like to enhance the Joomla! registration form with custom fields and specifically with a File Upload Field. A common case is where we want the user to upload a profile photo while they register for a new account on our site. That photo can be displayed and edited on the user's profile page.

    Step 1: Create a new Field Upload Field

    Go to the Users -> Fields, click New to create a new field. From the Type dropdown, select ACF - File Upload.

    Add a File Upload Field to Joomla! Registration Form

    Click to save the field to return to the same page where now, you can see 2 new setting groups.

    Step 2: Set the File Upload Rules

    In the first group, called File Upload Settings, we can set rules and restrictions on the files that are allowed to be uploaded by our field. In our case, we want to limit the user to upload 1 image up to 3 MB.

    Add a File Upload Field to Joomla! Registration Form

    • Set an upload folder to the respective option.
    • Set Files Limit to 1.
    • Set File Size Limit to 3 MB.
    • Set Allowed Files Types to .jpg, .png.

    Step 3: Resize images

    Under Resize Images, enable the option as we want to limit the uploaded image to 150x150 in dimensions.

    To do so, set the width and height to 150 pixels.

    File Upload Field Resize Images

    Step 4: Set how the uploaded file will be displayed on the user profile page

    In the second group, called Front-end Display, we can define how the uploaded files will be displayed on the front end. In our case, we want to display the actual uploaded image when the user views their profile page. To do so, set Layout to Image.

    Add a File Upload Field to Joomla! Registration Form

    Save the field and proceed to the next steps.

    Step 5: Test the Joomla! Registration Form

    Go to the registration form in the front end. There, you should be able to see the file upload field we created in the previous step.

    Add a File Upload Field to Joomla! Registration Form

    Note: Keep in mind that the styling of the form shown in the picture above may vary depending on your site's template.

    In case the field is displayed disabled in the form and you're not allowed to upload files, you probably don't have the right permissions to edit the content of the field. To fix it, you must set the Edit Custom Field Value option to Allowed in the Permissions tab in the Field settings as well as in the Users component configuration page.

    joomla custom field edit permissions

    Step 6: View the Uploaded Photo in the User Profile Page

    After you've created a test account, go to the User Profile page, where you should be able to see an overview of the account, including the uploaded photo.

    Add a File Upload Field to Joomla! Registration Form

    To remove the uploaded photo or upload a new one, go to the Edit Profile Page.

    To-do list

    Advanced Custom Fields is regularly updated with new features and bug fixes. The roadmap is quite packed with new features, and enhancements. Find out the upcoming new features by visiting the Roadmap page.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How can I translate the field into my language?

    To translate the texts used by the File Upload Field into your language, you will need to do an override of the following language strings:

    • ACF_UPLOAD_DRAG_AND_DROP_FILES="Drag and drop files here or"
    • ACF_UPLOAD_BROWSE="Browse"

    To learn how to create a language override in Joomla, visit:

    How can I set a different upload folder for each user?

    If you would rather each user have their upload folder, you can use the {} Smart Tag in the Upload Folder to pull the ID of the user's account, e.g., /media/{}. In this case, users with id #456 and #678 will have their uploads stored to /media/456/ and /media/678/ respectively.

    Joomla File Upload with a different folder for each user

    If the ID of the user is not that practical, you may use {user.username} Smart Tag to pull the login name of the user, e.g., /users/uploads/{user.username}. In that case, users with username, john and maria will have their upload files stored to /users/uploads/john/ and /users/uploads/maria/ respectively.

    Note that the User-based Smart Tags require the user to be logged-in. Otherwise, the Smart Tag will always return an empty value.

    Can I use this File Upload Field in a Custom Joomla Contact Form

    In case the Joomla! Custom Fields don't fit your needs, or you're looking for a way to create advanced file upload forms, try Convert Forms. A Joomla! Form Builder extension that integrates with the same Drag & Drop File Upload Field as Advanced Custom Fields does.

    Can I override the field's layout?

    To override the custom field layout, consult the following documentation pages:

    Is there any list with all available Joomla Fields?

    Advanced Custom Fields consists of over 30 custom fields, and you can find more about each one by clicking here: Advanced Custom Fields Collection.

    How to add Custom CSS to your Joomla Custom Fields

    You can easily add Custom CSS to your pages when a Joomla custom field appears, using ACF Options. You can read more here: How to add Custom CSS to your Joomla Custom Fields.

    Can I use it with YooTheme?

    All Advanced Custom Fields are YooTheme compatible and can be used with YooTheme Pro Dynamic Content, meaning you can create pages in YooTheme that used as source, any custom field created by Advanced Custom Fields. You can read more here: How to use Advanced Custom Fields with YooTheme Pro Dynamic Content .

    I have more questions. Can you help?

    If you have further questions after reading this documentation, we suggest you look into our general Frequently Asked Questions page for Advanced Custom Fields, and if your question is still not answered, contact us by clicking here.


    I get an "Unsupported File" error when I try to upload any file

    First, make sure the type of the file you're trying to upload is set in the Allowed File Types option in your file upload field settings. Next, verify the Fileinfo PHP extension is installed and enabled on your server. This is required to guess the mime type of the file.

    Last updated on Nov 26th 2024 12:11