What’s new
We’re constantly making Google Structured Data better. Here are some of the of notable new features and improvements that we’ve made to Google Structured Data since it’s first launched.
- The Organization Schema Type.
- PHP error in JReviews integration.
- Structured data not genereated in Joomla Content integration when the Category Publishing Rule is set.
- Support for the url property in Person Schema.
- Location selection in Local Business > Coordinates.
- PHP errors related in DPCalendar version 10.
- Product variable low/high prices to DJ-Catalog2 Integration.
- Support for the google_product_category property to Product Schema.
- Currency issue in the DJ-Catalog2 Integration.
- PHP 8.3 - Deprecated: strip_tags(): Passing null to parameter #1.
- Weight and weight unit properties to the Product Schema.
- Support for weight and weight unit properties in VirtueMart Integration.
- “Save” and “Save & Close” buttons in Configuration > Integrations modals wouldn’t save changes in Joomla 4/5.
- Author URL option to Article, Book, Recipe, and Critic Review Schema Types.
- Breadcrumbs Schema PHP error when browsing a JFilters category.
- Missing postal address options to Local Business Critic Review Schema
- Course start/end dates to appear with site's timezone.
- J-BusinessDirectory PHP error preventing structured data generation.
- Invalid search URL in the Sitelinks Searchbox structured data.
- Cannot create/duplicate a GSD Item that has a title longer than 100 characters.
- [JReviews] a php error thrown on specific category pages.
- Joomla 5 Native Support.
- Implements the RSEvents!Pro addon.
- [JReviews] PHP error would occur when a JReviews GSD item is enabled but JReviews component is not installed.
- Fix PHP 8 deprecation warnings.
- [Course Schema] courseWorkLoad property now accepts ISO8601 formatted value too.
- [Video] Ensures Date Published is displayed with site's timezone.
- Joomla Content Integration: ACF File Upload/Gallery custom fields don't return a valid image url.
- Item duplication is not working in Joomla 5.
- PHP error "Deprecated: mb_convert_encoding(): Handling HTML entities via mbstring is deprecated".
- [Virtuemart] Adds support for the GTIN property.
- [JReviews] The Related Listing field now returns the listing title.
- Implements the JReviews addon.
- New: the Course Workload and Offer Category properties in the Course Schema.
- [Course] Schema max description now allows up to 500 characters.
- PHP warning "Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$css_selector_task" when CSS Selector is used.
- PHP error "md5(): Argument #1 ($string) must be of type string, stdClass given" when CSS Selector is used.
- PHP 8 warnings.
- Cannot easily toggle a GSD Item in the Items page.
- [JoomShopping 5.0+] Product List is empty when the default language is not "en-GB".
- Updates translations.
- Implements the HowTo schema type.
- Implements the DPCalendar addon.
- J-BusinessDirectory "Joomla\CMS\Form\Form::getFieldsets `xml` is not an instance of SimpleXMLElement.
- The image property in SP Page Builder integration will now return the first image found in any text or image addon.
- [Hikashop] If a product variant name is empty, use the parent product name instead.
- The CSS Selector mapping option. Map schema properties to DOM elements!
- Option to select a more explicit Article Schema between: Article, BlogPosting, NewsArticle.
- New: the gtin property in Product Schema.
- The Wait Page to Render (Experimental) configuration option.
- Unescaped characters may break structured data produced with Custom Code option.
- SobiPro wouldn't display structured data in latest versions.
- JBusinessDirectory would produce a php error certain custom fields under certain circumstances.
- JEvents would throw a PHP error due to non-english dates.
- Removes the 110 characters limit for the Article's Headline property per Google's guidelines
- The Nationality option to Person Schema.
- PHP warning appearing when the Person Salary option is disabled.
- New: Implements the Book Content Type.
- New: Implements the Person Content Type.
- PHP error thrown in JEvents pages under certain circumstances.
- The SobiPro integration wouldn't display correct custom fields values.
- Makes all mapping options a searchable dropdown.
- Updates translations.
- New: Implements the JEvents addon.
- New: Implements the iCagenda addon.
- New: The Critic Review Schema now supports the "CreativeWorkSeries" type.
- The "offers" Product Schema property should be excluded when the Price option is disabled.
- The "priceValidUntil" Product Schema property does not respect the Disabled status of the option.
- The Business Type option in the Local Business Schema can now accept multiple values.
- The Product Schema now includes the google_product_category property when available.
- [Joomla 4] Ensure Media Custom Field returns correct Image URL.
- [Joomla 4] Cannot access protected property Joomla\CMS\Menu\MenuItem::$params when Zoo integration is used.
- Recipe Ingredients & Instructions would not appear correctly if value contained HTML.
- Date should be empty instead of 0000-00-00 00:00:00 as it's not in ISO 8601 format, required by Schema.
- Updates translations: es-ES, et-EE, pt-BR
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