Add Structured Data to DJ Classifieds

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Google Structured Data integrates perfectly with the DJ Classifieds component and enables you to add Structured Data and specifically the Product Content Type to DJ Classifieds pages.

Enable Integration

As with all of the integrations, you need to navigate to Components > Google Structured Data > Configuration and click the Integrations Tab where all the Integrations are listed.


Find the "DJ Classifieds" Integration in the list and make sure that it is enabled with the green checkmark indicator as shown in the screenshot below.

DJ Classifieds Integration Enable

Add Structured Data to DJ Classifieds Pages

Let's see how you can add the Product Content Type to DJ Classifieds pages. From the Components menu, choose Google Structured Data, nagivate to the Items section and click on the New button to create a new Structured Data Item.


On the next page, you will see the following 3 options where you will need to select the Product Content Type and the DJ Classifieds Integration as shown in the screenshot below.


Click Save to return to the same page. Once the item is saved 2 new sections appearing.

  • Product: This section helps you map the content type properties with Page options, Meta Properties, Site info and more.
  • Publishing Rules: This is where you can select the pages where the structured data is going to be generated to.

To learn more details on how you can use these sections visit the How to Add Structured Data to Pages documentation page.

Publishing Rules

In case, you don't want to generate the Product Content Type to all pages, you can use the available Publishing Rules to target specific pages. The DJ Classifieds Integration implements the following publishing rules:

Name Description
Product Target specific DJ Classifieds Products only.
Category Target all Products assigned to specific DJ Classifieds categories.

To learn more about the Publishing Rules section visit the How to add Structured Data to Pages documentation page.

Remember, in case you don't enable any publishing rules, the structured data will be generated on all DJ Classifieds products.


The Structured Data is generated only in the Product Detail View where a single Product is displayed. The Category or List views are not currently supported.

How can I add ratings and reviews to the generated structured data?

DJ extension requires the DJ - Reviews extension in order to add ratings and reviews to your products. Once a product has ratings and reviews they will be automatically be added to the generated structured data. This requires you have setup Rating Value and Review Count with the values Rating Value and Review Count respectively. To set-up DJ-Reviews read more on their site: How to use DJ-Reviews with DJ-Classifieds

Which image appears in the structured data?

DJ Classifieds allows you to add more than one image per item. The image that appears first in order(left to right) will be used in the generated structured data if the value of the property Image is set to Image.

Last updated on Nov 26th 2024 12:11