Add Movie Schema to Joomla

Movie Schema is a Pro feature
Mark up your movies with structured data so users can explore them on Google Search in new ways.
Buy Google Structured Data

Mark up your movies with structured data so users can explore movies through Google Search. You can provide details about the movies, such as the title of the movie, director of the movie, an image of the movie and more.

How to markup Joomla Pages with the Movie Schema

From the main menu choose Components -> Google Structured Data. Click on Items from the left sidebar and then on the New button to create a new Structured Data Item.

How to markup Joomla Pages with the Movie Schema

On the next page, you will need to prepare the Structured Data Item. Enter a Title (it can be anything) and select the Movie Content Type from the respective dropdown.

The Movie Structured Data

Τhe Integration option may vary depending on the component you want to markup at that time. View the Supported Integrations.

Next, click to save the Structured Data Item. Once the page reloads, a new section called Movie appears below where you can map each property with page data.

The Movie Schema JSON-LD Properites

To read more details on how the mapping works, visit the respective section in the How to Add Structured Data to Pages guide.

Movie Schema Properties

Here's a table of the properties you can define in the Movie Content Type.

Name Description
Name The name of the movie.
Description The description of the movie.
Image An image that represents the movie.
Duration Set the duration of the movie in minutes.
Genre The genre of the movie
Creators The creators of the movie
Directors The directors of the movie
Actors The actors of the movie
Trailer URL A URL pointing to the actual video media file. This file should be in .mpg, .mpeg, .mp4, .m4v, .mov, .wmv, .asf, .avi, .ra, .ram, .rm, .flv, or other video file format
Release Date The date the movie was released.
Rating Value The rating value for the content.
Review Count How many reviews does this item have
General rule: Always markup content that is displayed on the page to visitors. Doing otherwise you may end up with a Spammy Structured Markup Penalty.
Last updated on Nov 26th 2024 12:11