Integrate AcyMailing with Convert Forms

Are you interested in adding users to your AcyMailing lists through your Joomla forms? Are you seeking a solution to integrate Convert Forms with AcyMailing and automate lead generation effortlessly? With the AcyMailing app for Convert Forms, you can easily subscribe users in your AcyMailing account each time someone submits your form.

This tutorial will guide you through using and configuring the AcyMailing addon in Convert Forms.

Setting Up AcyMailing Task

To set up the AcyMailing task and sync your submissions to AcyMailing, go into your form, and follow the steps listed below:

Select App

From within your form, click on Tasks > CREATE YOUR FIRST TASK.

Create First Task

On the modal that will open, select the AcyMailing task.

Select AcyMailing Task

Select New Submission under Trigger and Add/Update Contact under Action on the next screen, and click CONTINUE.

Select AcyMailing Trigger and Action

Setup Action

After you've set up the trigger, action, and connection, it's time to set up the action itself and define what information to send to AcyMailing. In this step, you can view all available settings and map each option with a fixed or dynamic value using Smart Tags.

Setup Action AcyMailing Task

Let's see all available settings:


Select the list to which all subscribers will be saved in your AcyMailing account. A complete list of all your AcyMailing lists will be available, and choose from any form field, or Smart Tag.

Double opt-in

Set whether the visitors who submit the form must confirm their registration via an email that will be sent to them. Once they receive the email, they will need to click on a link to confirm their subscription.

Email Address

Select the email address of the submitter. This is the user that will be subscribed to your AcyMailing list. Choose the Email field in your form.

Custom Fields

AcyMailing provides Custom Fields, which allows you to store additional information when a subscriber is saved on AcyMailing, such as their name, age, company info, and more!

All AcyMailing custom fields will appear after the Email Address field and you'll be able to fill them in as you desire.

To create new custom field, you can go to components > AcyMailing > Custom fields.

Step 1: Click on the Create button.

Add New Custom Field 1 AcyMailing Task

Step 2: Enter the custom field name name and select its' type.

Add New Custom Field 2 AcyMailing Task

That's it! Your custom field can now be used in your AcyMailing task.

Add Conditional Logic

Conditional logic makes it possible to run tasks only if specific criteria are met, like a user’s email address matching a certain domain, the user being associated with a certain Joomla User Group, or a form submission having a specific value.

While editing the AcyMailing task, go to the Setup Action step and scroll down to the Conditional Logic section to set up Conditional Logic. Here's where you define all the rules the task should meet to run.

For example, let's say we need to sync submissions to AcyMailing, only if the email is coming from a specific domain:

  1. Click to enable the Run this task when certain conditions are met.
  2. Click Add Your First Condition.
  3. Select the Email field in the Trigger dropdown.
  4. Select Contains in the Operator dropdown.
  5. Enter in the value. Replace this with your domain name.

The condition should look like this:

AcyMailing Task Conditional Logic Example

You can read more on Conditional Logic on the Working with Tasks documentation page.

Activate Task

The final step is to enable our task. To do so, click the toggle on the dialog’s top right corner, as shown in the screenshot below.

Enable Task AcyMailing Task

Finally, click Save to save the task, close the dialog, and then click Save from the top right corner of the form builder to save the changes on the form.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully created a form that syncs new submissions to AcyMailing!

How to add a user to AcyMailing conditionally (Campaigns only)

Are you looking for a way to add a user to AcyMailing conditionally? Or in other words when a checkbox is checked? At the moment, the only way to make this happen is via PHP. Let's see the steps.

First, assign your form to a Campaign that does not sync submissions with AcyMailing automatically. The Choose Service option in the Campaign settings must be disabled.

Next, go to the form editor to edit your form. Let's say that you have a checkbox field added to your form with the name agree and you would like to add the user to AcyMailing only when that field is checked.

From the form settings at the left, go to Behavior -> PHP Scripts and place the following PHP code into the After Form Submissions option.

// Proceed only if the checkbox "agree" is checked
if (!$submission->params['agree']) {

// Set the email of the user
$email = $submission->params['email'];

// Set the AcyMailing list IDs comma separated
$acymailing_list_ids = [1, 2];

// If you want the user to confirm their account via a confirmation email, set this to true. Otherwise, set it to false.
$doubleOptin = true;

// Do not edit below
require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_convertforms/ConvertForms/Helpers/AcyMailing.php';
\ConvertForms\Helpers\AcyMailing::subscribe($email, $submission->params, $acymailing_list_ids, $doubleOptin);

Frequently Asked Questions

AcyMailing shows that Convert Forms Plugin needs an update

Convert Forms integrates out of the box with a plethora of plugins, the only plugin that needs to be updated is the main component which in return updates all the integrated plugins, including AcyMailing. If AcyMailing shows that the Convert Forms AcyMailing Integration plugin needs an update, then you don't have to do anything as this is coming from AcyMailing thinking that the integration requires an update. You simply ignore this and you are good to go.

Last updated on Mar 14th 2025 08:03