- Getting Started
- Triggers
Display Conditions
- E-Commerce Conditions (VirtueMart - HikaShop)
- Homepage
- New/Returning Visitor
- K2 - Page Type
- K2 - Tag
- K2 - Category
- K2 - Item
- Region
- City
- User Access Level
- Joomla! Content Component View
- Month
- Day of Week
- Cookie
- IP Address
- Referrer URL
- AcyMailing List
- Convert Forms Conditions
- Language
- Component
- Joomla! Content Category
- Joomla! Content Article
- Continent
- Country
- Operating System
- Browser
- Device
- Time on Site
- EngageBox - Viewed Another Popup
- Pageviews
- User
- User Group
- Time
- Date
- Menu
- Display Conditions
- Trigger based on URL match
- Campaign Types
- Styling and Customization
- Integrations
- Advanced Features
- Αdd Sound Effects to Your Popups
- Make Accessible Popups
- Add a Countdown timer in your popup
- Limit impressions per unique visitor
- Test the responsiveness of your boxes for various devices and viewports
- Open a box by clicking on a menu item
- Trigger based on the minimum time visitor spent on the site
- Auto-Close popup after a specific time
- Open a box using HTML Attributes
- Solutions
- Developers
Create a Facebook Like Page Box
Facebook is a great social media platform to promote your business, products, and services. So you may want to create a popup to your Facebook page in your website to help spread the word.
This tutorial will help you create a popup box that gets triggered 10 seconds after the user has landed to your website.
How do I find my Facebook Page URL?
In order to find your Facebook's Page URL, visit your Facebook Page and copy the URL at the top of your browser.
If you can't figure it out, {modal https://www.youtube.com/embed/pJyU-uJRDVo|width=560|height=315}View this video{/modal}
Create the Box
- Go to Components -> Engage Box
- Create a new Box and set Published to Yes
- Enter any title you like
- Choose the Social Media option from the Box Type listbox
- Choose the Facebook Page Like option from the Social Plugin listbox
- Enter your Facebook Page URL
- Leave the Tabs field empty
- Set the fields Hide Cover Photo, Use Small Header and Show Friend's Faces to Yes
- Set Width to 399px
- Set the Position to Center
- Set the Trigger Point to On Page Load
- Set After Close Stay Hidden to Forever
- Choose your preferred animations
- Set the Delay to 10000 (10 seconds)
- Set Width to 400px and Height to 155px
- Set Padding to 0px
- Set Border Style to None
- Set Background Overlay to Yes, Color to #3b5998 and opacity to 80%
Choose your preferred publishing assignments and enjoy!
Last updated on Nov 26th 2024 12:11