This tutorial will help you create a Twitter Popup Box. This popup will display a twitter follow button and because time is everything it will be triggered 10 seconds after a visitor has landed to your website.
How do I find my Twitter handle
Your twitter handle is your twitter name. The name that you respond to when tweeting someone and people identify you as. It has the @ sign in front of it, and if you take the @ sign off you can just type in Handle) and you'll be at their twitter page.
Create the Box
- Go to Components -> Engage Box
- Create a new Box and set Published to Yes
- Enter "Follow Me" on the box title
- Choose the Social Media option from the Box Type listbox
- Choose the Twitter Follow Button option from the Social Plugin listbox
- Enter your twitter handle (without the @)
Trigger options
- Set the Position to Center
- Set the Trigger Point to Page Load
- Set After Close Stay Hidden for Ever
- Choose your prefered animations
- Set the Animation Delay to 10000 (10 seconds)
Appearance options
- Set Width to 400px and Height to 200px
- Set Center Align Content to Both
- Set Border Style to Dashed
- Set Border Color to #1b95e0 (Twitter Color)
- Set Background Overlay to Yes, Color to #000000 and opacity to 50%
Choose your prefered publishing assignments and publish it!